Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This post is mostly by my husband. He sent me an email today to tell me that he was a nerd (haha). In his own words:

This morning as I ate breakfast I looked at a Domino's Pizza ad that was left on the table. They are advertising their online ordering and computerized "pizza tracker". While I was trying to figure out what they meant by "There's no wait online" (unless you can download your pizza, there is obviously some wait for the pizza to arrive--why else would there be something to track it's progress), I saw that some clever person decided to put a string on 1's and 0's to show that this was high-tech. I looked at the binary numbers and naturally I convert them to hexadecimal. Then I realized that they were ASCII code--they were letters. (ASCII code is the way computers convert letters into binary). There was a message, and I started remembering the movie "A Beautiful Mind". I looked again and saw that it was indeed ASCII letters, so I found an ASCII chart at work and decoded the message (too bad I didn't have it all memorized anymore). Whoever sent that message out, I have read it, and I have heard your message. I am a nerd, and there's another nerd out there somewhere. We have communicated in a way that only nerds can.


This was later followed by an email by myself asking what the encoded message was. His response:

Do you really want to know what it said? It's not that exciting. it said "Binary" binary, ha! That's like spelling "soup" in alphabet soup.

To which I thought to myself, "I love nerds." I'm quite happy to be married to one. I'm quite happy to be one. And I have always enjoyed binary. One of the funniest shirts I ever saw said:

"There are 10 types of people in this world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't."

What I wouldn't give to own that shirt right now.
This one is pretty good too. (but only if you can read it :)


The Hungry Homemaker said...

I am married to a nerd too, isn't it great:)

Jana said...

How annoying! What does that shirt say?

BlueAdagio said...


Beth & Rob Bailey said...

what is that on the last shirt. i know binary. is that ascii?

BlueAdagio said...

Yes it says Geek.

Rebecca J said...

This is so funny. William was JUST telling about the "10 types of people in the world" shirt on Thursday! I already knew I was married to a nerd. Glad we have something in common! :)