Saturday, October 06, 2007

Today was good. I woke up happy. I thought I had just had a very nice dream about a date with a boy. It took a good ten minutes or so for me to realize that I was not remembering a dream but an actual date I had the night before. It was late when we got home and I was sleepy so it's a bit of a blur from the end of the night to the morning. But still, I woke up just feeling happy. It's nice to know that someone else can still make you feel that way.

It had been a really fun evening.

The reason I was woken up this morning was not my alarm either. That was nice. Instead my roommate brought a letter in for me that was left at the door. It was a letter from a neighbor friend of mine. I had written a letter to tell her what a great job she had done planning a particular activity and what a super person she was. Not a big deal. But she wrote me back the most heartfelt letter about how much it had meant to her and how lonely she had been feeling. I had no idea that she had felt that way. I was so happy I followed that prompting...that little inkling in my mind to write her that letter.

It was a very good morning.

At work I discovered how much I love working in an art gallery. I was truly enjoying myself. I even smiled while doing some of the more mundane tasks that I normally do at work. I helped set up an art show and met with the artist. She was a fun, very expressive woman. I went back later after work to attend her artist reception. They had wonderful chocolate truffles and the artist was so friendly to me. It felt funny to make friends with someone that I will probably never see again. Then again...the art world is smaller than I probably think it is so we could cross paths again.

It was a pleasant afternoon.

It rained all day...but I didn't mind. After the art reception I went out to eat with some good old friends of mine. It made me extremely happy to spend time with the two of them again. They are a hilarious sibling pair, and I was quite entertained. We all ended up watching Funniest Home Video's 300th show together with my roommates. There was a lot of laughing going on. I felt so wonderful. I love to laugh. And I love friends. And I love that tomorrow is conference weekend and will be wonderful too.

It was a really great evening.

Yeah, so there is not much to this blog this evening. I was just so pleasantly happy that I needed to do something before I went to bed. So many little things can come together to make the most perfect day. And just so you know, the picture at the beginning of the blog is a picture I took while on my eleven hour hike up and down Mt. Timpanogos. I thought...this is how I would picture a pleasantly perfect day. So, there you go. :) Take care my friends.


Beth & Rob Bailey said...

When I first saw that picture at the top of the posting, I thought, I wonder if she took that picture. It's beautiful. I think if I had the eye/skill for some area of art, I would choose photography. I love beautiful pictures - of landscapes, people, still life, just about anything.

BlueAdagio said...

Oh thanks Beth! I love hearing from you. And I've seen your new studio designed pictures of your kids. You've got skill. I love you, and I hope you and family are well.

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

I just love your post & picture. I'm glad you had such a wonderful day...I hope the things in it that made you so happy keep happening!